Together, let’s #Preventthescam!
Understand the types of phishing to avoid the scammers’ baits
Scammers send a spoof email that appears legitimate, asking people to click a link to open an attachment, go to a fake website, download a file, or claim a gift or voucher in exchange for personal information.
Scammers send target-specific emails containing the victim’s personal information, sometimes impersonating someone the victim knows, to gain their trust and trick them into revealing confidential information.
Whaling is a type of spear-phishing where scammers target company executives and C-suites to fetch confidential information, such as trade secrets, or perform a task, such as money transfer, through email and website spoofing.
Scammers call the victims or leave voice messages saying there is a problem with their accounts to trick them into sharing sensitive information such as passwords.
Scammers send an email or SMS pretending to be from the victim’s IT service desk and claiming there is a problem with their account or computer, and then asking them to click a link to resolve it.
SMiShing is a type of phishing where scammers send fake text messages that appear legitimate, asking people to click a link to open an attachment, go to a spoof website, download a file, or send money.
Don’t be a victim
When phishing, scammers impersonate or mimic real organizations and send thousands of requests disguised as common correspondences employees receive every day.
Since most employees are subjected to these daily, it presents different levels of risks depending on their area of work. This type of attack usually targets everyone, regardless of seniority.
Stay protected
Let’s #Preventthescam together
You are the first line of defense in enforcing cybersecurity! Here are a few tips to help you protect yourself and TP: