NL Shareholders Information

Teleperformance's General Meeting

Teleperformance's General Meeting was held in person in Paris on April 14, 2022, after two years held remotely due to the health crisis.

Shareholders adopted all the resolutions submitted to their vote with strong majorities, notably:

Appointment of new directors

Shelly Gupta and Carole Toniutti have been appointed as directors.

Carole Toniutti

Independent Director
<p>Born on February 6th, 1971, Ms. Carole Toniutti is a chartered accountant and statutory auditor. She holds a master's degree from the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Pau (1992). In 1999, she joined KPMG Audit, where she worked until 2012 and lead audit engagements for various groups. After 18 years of audit experience, she joined PwC's Bordeaux office in 2013 and was appointed partner in 2014, in charge of the development of consulting activities. In 2016, she joined as a co-managing partner the PwC Entrepreneurs branch, dedicated to serve SMEs and mid-caps. She creates and coordinates the Deals &amp; Value offer at the national level. In June 2021, she participates, with her 58 partners, in the acquisition of this activity leading to the exit of the PwC network, the entry into the PKF International network, and the creation of the ARSILON brand in France (700 employees in 20 offices). She is also responsible for several statutory audit mandates.</p>

Shelly Gupta

Independent Director
<p>Born on March 30th, 1974, Ms. Shelly Gupta holds an Integrated Master of Science degree in Mathematics and Computer Applications from the Indian Institute of Technology in New Delhi. She began her career at Thaumaturgix, a software consulting firm, and then went on to work for Standard &amp; Poor’s as a Senior Consultant in the Risk Solutions group. In 2007 as a founding partner of, she worked on creating a supplemental educational services company. She is currently the strategic Chief Financial Officer of The Equity Project Charter Schools in New York City that serves students from underserved communities. As a volunteer CFO, she serves GetMAGIC, a non-profit that provides one-on-one mentoring to middle and high school girls to encourage them to pursue STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) careers.</p>

The Board of directors in key numbers


Share Information


Euronext Paris, compartment A


  • Euronext ticker: TEP – ISIN: FR0000051807
  • Reuters: TEPRF.PA – Bloomberg: TEP FP

Euronext sector classification:

  • Professional Business Support Services (ICB)
  • Euronext Tech Leaders index

Number of outstanding shares:

  • 58,737,600 at May 31, 2022

Market capitalization:

  • €18 billion at May 31, 2022


Global indices:

  • CAC 40, SBF 120, STOXX 600, MSCI Global Standard et S&P Europe 350

ESG indices:

  • Euronext Vigeo Euro 120, EURO STOXX 50 ESG, MSCI Europe ESG Leaders, FTSE4Good, Solactive Europe Corporate Social Responsibility, S&P Global 1200 ESG and Euronext Tech Leaders

S&P credit rating:

  • BBB, stable outlook

MSCI ESG rating: AA


Over 710 identified institutional investors from around the world owned 85% of the share capital as of March 2022.
GMT Chart01 June2022 (1)

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