Corporate Social Responsability (CSR)

Spreading love and joy this Christmas!

Teleperformance - 12.26.2017

It’s the time of generosity and goodwill. And at Teleperformance, we rejoice the community spirit and cheerfulness of this wonderful season.

The decorations, fun activities and donation of toys and warm clothes to the less fortunate children, bringing a smile on their faces, all make the environment warm as well as robust across our centers during Christmas.

A tradition of giving back!

Christmas for us is a celebration of a new beginning, and we believe in spreading hope, love and happiness to the children through the Citizen of the World (COTW) program, initiated by our Chairman, Daniel Julien, in 2006. And this year was no different!

Aligned with the theme of wishing for someone in need this Christmas, our teams went to the Literacy India Schools that we support as a part of the COTW initiative and distributed gifts and toys amongst the children, who could not control their excitement seeing the Santa!

Also, we organized a Slum Drive at our Gurgaon and Indore centers during the Christmas week and donated books, toys and warm clothes to around 400 underprivileged people, as a part of this celebration.

Secret Santa

Making a wish for someone else!

Here at Teleperformance, we work together as one big family and the week before Christmas, fun and frolic starts full throttle.

However, this year, it was not only about decorating Christmas trees, dressing up as Santas or exchanging gifts. The #ForUIWish and #SantasNoteForU campaigns, made all the employees share love and happiness amongst each other by writing a wish and tagging people they adore. The campaigns saw an overwhelming response and enthusiastic participation from everyone in and outside the organization.

Also, we played Secret Santa within our respective teams. Everyone brought in a gift for someone they were playing Santa for and exchanged the gifts bringing in lots of fun and surprise! It was so much fun guessing who was whose Secret Santa!

Roundup was the Christmas Carnival – a Fun & Food Fiesta on Friday and Saturday at all the centers, before the extended Christmas weekend.

Christmas Carnival

A week full of fun and laughter!

The week before Christmas break can be really long when anticipating the holiday, but if we make it fun for everyone with small parties, wishing for someone else and a gift exchange, then being at work doesn’t seem like a chore.

Did you have a fun Christmas party at your workplace this year? Do you have any Christmas traditions you follow in your office? Let us know in the comments section below!

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Contributor: Neha Sethi @nehacsethi

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