Strategic Insights

Bridging Education and Employability Gap

Teleperformance - 11.22.2017

Since 2001, Teleperformance in India has trained over 100,000 people and reduced the gap between education and employability – a major challenge in the Indian BPO industry.


Fundamental to keeping employees happy, it’s important to help them grow and achieve their professional aspirations. Employees join an organization to be successful and to contribute. If these factors are aligned with the company purpose – Engagement and Effort are on autopilot.

In an effort to achieve the above and create the Best Place to Work for people, at Teleperformance we create an environment where people are inspired, and motivated, and feel proud to belong to our team. That outlines the rigorous and rising investment in improving job satisfaction and providing training and development opportunities, focused on creating a customized and personalized learning experience.

While this is a value-add and a DESIRED expectation from the company, the culture of training and coaching is ingrained in the very fabric for our core organizational process – TOPS (Teleperformance Operational Processes & Standards) which enables every manager to spend 80% of their time training & coaching their teams. Another addition to take the experience to the next level is the inclusion of on the job training and coaching methods, on super days with process heads and CEO chat sessions which are monthly face to face meet-ups anyone in the company can nominate themselves for. A new module created for high-performing managers was also introduced last year focused on Continuous Development Training (CDP) that identifies and upskills managers on skill required for new roles and career advancements.

In the business of customer experience, every moment is a moment of truth and the people prime strategy defined by our 5Ps Culture empowers PEOPLE at every stage. This approach has helped us align the strategy, capabilities and created discretionary effort to achieve the desired company PERFORMANCE.

We’re the #1BPO to work for in India, recently reassured by our top rank as the Aon Hewitt Global Best Employer in India announced in November 2017. Thanks to the passion, our people bring to work that helps us create a place that inspires: to learn, to teach, to grow.

To know more about our training and leadership initiatives and how we are bridging the gap between education and employability in India, click here!

People = Culture = Revenues

People build the culture and a company is what its people are and not vice-a-versa. With a culture of people centricity where employee care is paramount, people feel engaged and inspired to go the extra mile adding more than transactional output. Bridging the gap that our employees felt is a result of the Empathy driven Culture that’s key to maintaining the balance between building a great team and retaining them as the #1BPO Employer in India.

Our philosophy of Employee Experience equals to Customer Experience with no distinction on the care, astute solutioning and attention provided to our employees, customers, clients and vendors.

There is only one rulebook for Experience – one that defines everyone as either a service provider or service user – all efforts in this direction to aim for a 5/5 customer rating.

If you want to know more about how we transitioned into a more people-centric company, write to us at

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Contributor: Neha Sethi @nehacsethi

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