6 Ways to Beat the Monday Blues
Strategic Insights

6 Ways to Beat the Monday Blues

Teleperformance - 03.20.2018

Many people, even if they genuinely love their job, start to feel overwhelmed with stress and sadness on Sunday, dreading work the next day. Monday is often described as the most difficult day of the week. Not only are you battling through the combination of anxiety and pressure, but the planning of the week ahead for yourself and your team.

Getting the week kick started on a high note isn’t always that easy. If you are concerned that #MondayMotivation is lacking in you, then identifying the reasons and considering the tips given below can help you power through, stay positive and beat those ‘Monday Blues’ whenever they hit.

Beat the Monday Blues

1. Set Goals

It will increase the fulfillment that you get from your job and will help in building the positive attitude towards your everyday life.

Set Goals

2. List your Favorites

Jot down all the things that you love about your job or place of work. It’ll help you deep dive into the reasons which make your work worthwhile pushing your further away from Monday Blues.

List your favorits

3. Plan your Day

Preparing your to-do list for the week on Friday or Sunday will help you feel more in control on Monday and kick-start your week on a positive and organized note.

Plan your day

4. Stay Positive

It can immensely help you bring out an optimistic and cheerful state of mind amidst the chaos of business environment.

Stay Positive

5. Sleep

Being sleep deprived is one of the main reasons of a bad Monday! So make sure to sleep early on Sunday to have a great start to the week ahead.


6. Be Active

Regular exercise and eating healthy are sure shot ways to reduce stress and have a happier lifestyle to turn every day into a new opportunity!

Be Active

At Teleperformance in India we believe in a #PeopleFirst culture and understand the importance of employee satisfaction. We believe in the spirit of happiness and happy employees. Hence, we promote and encourage our Teleperformers to make time for family, friends, community participation, personal growth, self-care, and other fun activities, in addition to the demands of the workplace.

To learn more about how our exceptional work environment that can benefit you and your organization, contact us today!

Contributor: Neha Sethi @nehacsethi

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