Teleperformance is Committed to Building a Better Tomorrow
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Teleperformance is Committed to Building a Better Tomorrow

Clementine Gauthier - 12.09.2021


       1. having or showing a rational, modern, and well-informed outlook.

In August of 2021, Frost & Sullivan announced their first-ever Enlightened Growth Leadership Awards. In partnership with Frost & Sullivan Institute, the world-renowned and highly respected analyst group wanted to recognize organizations for their vision and commitment to making the world a better place and that are part of the solution to challenges our world faces today.

So, to honor organizations that demonstrate a deep commitment to moving the world forward through their solutions and customer focus, this prestigious award shines a light on organizations who have Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) principles rooted deeply within their organizational cultures.


The most pressing issues facing society today are too complex for any one group to solve. Enlightened Growth Leaders have not only demonstrated growth excellence but also have re-strategized to bring in paradigm shifts in the way they tackle global challenges!

— David Frigstad, Executive Director, Frost & Sullivan Institute


After more than four decades, Teleperformance has grown to become the largest customer support and digital business services provider in the world. With more than 380,000 employees serving more than 170 countries and speaking more than 265 languages and dialects, we feel a deep responsibility for mobilizing our expansive and diverse workforce to act as a global force of good.  


We do this across a broad number of areas and initiatives including:

Citizen of the World (COTW)

COTW is global, charitable initiative to help the world's most vulnerable communities and at-risk populations. Since its inception, the program has generated almost $60M (USD) in charitable donations, delivered more than 500K holiday toys to needy children, fed millions of infants and children, donated more than 20K computers to impoverished schools around the world. In 2020 alone, Teleperformance teams around the world contributed 80K volunteer hours, raised $6M (USD) in donations, and positively impacted the lives of more than 114K children and infants.

Citizen of the Planet (COTP)

COTP is a global corporate initiative to ensures that Teleperformance operates in an environmentally friendly and responsible manner. Teleperformance also encourages sustainable practices among its employees and suppliers to reduce the global carbon footprint. In 2020 alone, we eliminated daily commutes for 80% of our workforce by moving them to work-at-home, reduced our carbon footprint by 28% per employee, decreased electricity consumption by 16% per employee, and increased usage of renewable energy to 17%.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

At Teleperformance, we believe that diversity, equity and inclusion means more than celebrating those already within our global TP family. It also means recruiting a broader range of people and groups through targeted Impact Sourcing initiatives, especially where employment can contribute to the greater good by hiring those from impoverished or at-risk groups like refugees, those with disabilities, or those lacking formal education. Teleperformance has provided life-changing employment for 85K first-time workers and, through our Impact Sourcing program, we have hired 70K at-risk workers, including 6K people with disabilities and 2K refugees.


Frost & Sullivan Institute reserves this recognition for companies addressing global priorities and ‘innovating to zero’ while remaining at the forefront of growth and transformation. These companies also uniquely leverage technology and boost their industry partner ecosystem to serve ever-evolving customer needs in a way that supports the planet’s well-being. Moreover, by combining business sense with a moral imperative, these companies demonstrate aspirational ideals beyond the simple goal of generating profits. In this context, this recognition holds an even greater significance in reaffirming an organization's commitment to its employees, investors, and customers.

— Frost & Sullivan Press Release, August 9, 2021


Award recipients are identified through Frost & Sullivan Institute’s proprietary, measurement-based methodology that combines:

  • Extensive research
  • In-depth analysis
  • Global benchmarking
  • A detailed review of all perspectives
  • Performance indicators
  • Technology innovation

This extensive process ensures that award winners represent the best of the best.

As the world emerges into a new norm, disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is becoming increasingly important for companies to shed old ways of thinking, build value chains that leave no stakeholders behind, and create foundations for stable growth.

— Frost & Sullivan Press Release, August 9, 2021

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