4 easy steps be Agile
Strategic Insights

4 easy steps be Agile

Teleperformance - 07.07.2018

We live in a world where we demand more, we demand better and we demand faster, all while demanding that more, better, faster is safe and secure. We are just like the clients we support and how we service them must reflect that need for more, better and faster.

Traditionally, as an organization, we have meetings, set requirements, build/develop a new tech solution, and share it with the client. The client will then offer feedback and we make changes until both teams are happy. This cycle is no longer viable as consumers no longer wait.

As a service provider, we look to drive down operational expenses, produce a solid ROI, meet regulations AND ensure customer satisfaction. How do we do that? Through agile transformation across the enterprise. Through embracing an iterative, cross-functional collaboration approach to be able to move quickly, leveraging technology and human-centric thinking to provide solutions that work. Below is a simple way we can apply Agile today.

  1. Understand the problem. Ask the questions “who are you solving for”, “why does this need to be solved”, “what happens if we don’t solve it”, as well as any other question that gets you to understand “what” the problem looks like and “how” it manifests itself. Determine your monuments, what are those unmovable items that need to be considered, including regulatory, client, and contractual requirements. Look at what solutions are out there (internal and external) in terms of tech and process. Take all the information and experiment with a solution.
  2. Test out the experiment. Get people involved – especially those whom you are trying to solve for. As we look for involvement, take this advantage to stretch the team, look for those in different verticals, other teams, other client contacts. The more people that can test the experiment means more feedback and input to refine, modify and strengthen the solution. Then you refine the solution and test again until you get it right.
  3. Prioritize based on what you have learned. Break down the solution into small measurable improvements. Check those solutions against your questions. Leverage the team you experimented on. Build a list of what needs to be done based on priority and begin the work.
  4. Now begin the SCRUM/Sprint process. 1 to 2-week sprints are mapped to ensure quick and rapid forward motion. Small measurable improvements that we can implement directly into the account. Items 1-3 above are included in these sprints. It’s fast and forces you to focus on what is important, making sure you take into consideration the monuments and development needs identified. Release as often as you need to and keep reviewing the priorities.

The Agile process can be leveraged across geographies and across any project that needs rapid execution.

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